Lighting Engineering

Due to the level of development of the modern lighting industry, the professionalism of our employees and the strict adherence to the wishes of the client, the lighting projects we develop create the very atmosphere that contributes to the realization of the customer’s goals. Indeed, with the help of thoroughly thought-out and high-quality implemented solutions, you can achieve amazing results, either by increasing the flow of visitors to a store or restaurant, or creating a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in an office, apartment or house, or simply improving the perception of a night object by harmoniously blending in and adding a twist to the atmosphere modern cities.

In lighting design, we can distinguish the main sections and subsections:

- Outdoor Lighting:

Architectural lighting (building facades, architectural monuments)

Landscape lighting (cottage towns, private houses)

Street lighting (highways, roads, car parks)

Sports lighting (sports arenas, gyms, outdoor areas)

- Interior lighting:

Decorative lighting (hotels, private apartments, apartments)

Lighting for retail premises (boutiques, supermarkets)

Lighting of office buildings (schools, medical facilities)

Lighting of industrial premises (workshops, warehouses)